The heat is then distributed throughout the building, typically by forced-air through ductwork, by hot water circulating through pipes, or by steam fed through pipes. The most common method of heat generation involves the combustion of fossil fuel in a furnace or boiler.

Central heat, usually powered by electricity or gas, is the most popular type of heating in the US and is the is least economic option.  Although gas is cheaper than electricity, both carry a high carbon footprint.

The most cost-effective method is radiant heat, when a machine emits infrared radiation directed towards objects located in its line of vision.  The only thing is that they do not emit it continuously into the whole space.  So, if you tend to move around your house, you will feel a few cold spots.

Directly heating your house is only one part of staying warm. No matter the heating style you choose, you must consider proper insulation.  Insulation can lower your household’s energy consumption by more than 20 percent.  This means being warmer for less cost.

So pick your poison!  Space heating can indeed be more economical for the purpose of heating a small portion of the home, while more expensive central heating can be most efficient for keeping your whole house warm and cozy.

Whatever your system, it’s also essential to check seals and insulate ducts and holes in your attic, garage and basement.  Also, shut windows completely and check to make sure that your outside doors are closed with a seal.  Also, make sure to replace faltering equipment, such as cracked belts and loose connections.

Calling on professionals like Audubon Cesco will ensure your system is tuned and all your equipment is working right.  Call us today if you have any questions or concerns with your system.



Posted Under: Blog, Heating